Random Favorites for February!

Hi All!

Here is my last post for February! I hope you all had a good month. February was pretty hectic but awesome for me with valentines day, our wedding and my birthday all rolled up into a couple of weeks. The only downside to Febraury was the not so successful job hunting…sigh. But life goes on! And here are a few miscellaneous things that I’ve been loving this month.

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1. Rose Gold watch from Lovisa

I got this watch as a very early birthday present right at the beginning of the month and have been loving it a lot. Rose gold has been all the rage much to my delight because I think its a gorgeous metal tone and love all things in it! When I saw this chunky boyfriend style watch I fell in love and snapped it up with a couple other jewelry items (they always seem to have a buy 2 get one free sale on which is quite alright with me!). They are one of my favorite jewelry shops because they are pretty good quality for reasonable prices and always have products that fit with the current trends which is great for a fashion noob like myself. Anyway, I see this being worn a lot for a long time to come. It was $34.99 NZD and here is the online link to it 🙂

2. 2 Broke Girls

So for TV this month there hasn’t been anything groundbreakingly awesome but Edd and I did start the second season (I think) of 2 Broke Girls. This isn’t the BEST comedy out there (I prefer New Girl and The Office US for example) but happens to be what I have been watching a lot of this month and it makes me laugh. A lot. So it can’t be too bad. The comedy has a lot of sexual and stereotype jokes so if that kind of slightly crass humour isn’t your thing than I’d give it a miss. But I like it and I love the characters, especially Max who is the stunning brunette and who is my favorite thing about the whole show. Also they bake lots of cupcakes which I like… The one thing I hate is the overused laugh track. Ugh just turn it off, please?!

3. MyFitnessPal

My app of the month is MyFitnessPal. I have an upcoming post about some health/fitness changes I’ve been making and I’ll mention this in that too but this is basically a free calorie and exercise tracker with an added social element where you can follow other people and comment on their entries and what not. I never was a fan of “calorie counting” and hated people who checked the calories on everything before they had a bite but actually this has been really useful in helping me keep track of what I’m taking in and the exercise I’m doing each day as well as helping me make some better diet choices. If you use this and want to connect with me (cause I’m so awesome and interesting…) then my username is liz_lock 🙂

4. Ferrero Rocher

Ok so swinging from Calorie counting to chocolate heaven seems like a bit of a contrast but oh well! February was Valentines and so Edd and I have been sharing a box of these little morsels of deliciousness all month! Somehow we are able to resist ourselves to one every second night or so (again, being able to look up the calories packed into one tiny mouthful on MyFitnessPal helped to curb my cravings haha) and the box is just under half full yay! Usually these would be gone in a couple of days. I have no self control :(. But yes, I’m sure you all know how delicious these are so I won’t go on.

photo 15. Powder Blue bag from Forever New

So Forever New is one of my absolute favorite shops where I love pretty much everything and can afford nothing! Having said that although there stuff isn’t cheap it’s not ridiculously priced either and well worth the money for the gorgeous clothes and accessories. Anyway, when looking there one day I saw this bag which is the perfect blue colour to go with the wedding stuff and I didn’t have a wedding day bag yet. So I grabbed it…I mean it’s absolutely gorgeous with gold accents and a leopard print lining and its the perfect size for me. However come wedding day everything was so amazing and chaotic I completely forgot about my bag and didn’t end up using it at all haha. Luckily it’s my favorite colour and is a bag I will wear forever until it crumbles and dies on me. From memory this was about $50 but it’s no longer on their website so can’t be sure. My perfect bag. I should have bought a backup haha.

6. Tribal Infusion in Star Anise and Vanilla

A few months ago I posted about another scent of this brand of infusers (Moroccan orange?) and this is the other scent I bought a couple of months later but haven’t got around to mentioning yet. I got this for $12 from Postie Plus and I haven’t seen them there for a wee while so I am terrified they may be gone 😦 This scent is lovely, mainly a sweet vanilla scent with a slightly spicy tone. I love both of the scents I have from this range and love the packaging too. They last for ages and throw a good amount of scent into the room. This one is kept in the bedroom whilst the orange (nearly empty :() is in our lounge.

7. Totoro Hat!

Last weekend was the Lantern Festival (and my birthday) so Edd got me this ADORABLE hat from one of the many stands at the event. I love totoro and with Winter approaching (although it doesn’t feel like it at all) this is cuddly perfection. So I had to include it. I think it was $10 not that it really matters because I have no idea where you would get these from…

So there’s February, done and dusted! See you all in March

