April’s Albums of the Month!

20130430-184107.jpgHi All!

Happy last day of April. April has been a busy, crazy, chaotic but amazing and wonderful month for me (hence the slight lack of blog posts recently) and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything right now even if life is still going to be crazy and exhausting for the foreseeable future. Here is your first installment for my monthly favorites and my 3 favorite albums that I listened to.

1. Frank Ocean: Channel Orange

Hands down my favorite album for the month. For someone who is not big on hip hop/rnb/other types of music this album became a very quick favorite of mine (which annoyed Edd greatly, Sorry!). Singer/songwriter Frank Ocean brings us this great album of what I think is quite a unique blend of alternative hip hop/R&B/soul/gospel/funk with his creativity and talent shining through in every single song. Choosing favorites from this album was so hard as I truly adored every and the different things each song had to offer. Listen to this album, even if it doesn’t sound like your type of thing. I insist. (Sidenote: I sound ridiculous trying to sing along to every song on this…but I do it anyway. His voice is magical).

Songs you should go listen to: Thinkin about you, Sweet Life, Crack Rock, Pyramids (an amazing nine minute ride and my hands down number one song on the album), Forest Gump

2. Calvin Harris: 18 Months

So I should forewarn you all that Ocean’s masterpiece took almost complete control of my musical moments this month but these next two deserve an honorable mention for slipping in occasionally. I’m sure everyone knows Calvin Harris and his music that makes dancing hard to avoid. Useful as gym soundtracks or for a general pick me up!

Songs you should go listen to: Green Valley, Bounce, Feel So Close, We’ll Be Coming Back, Sweet Nothing

3. Kings of Convenience: Declaration of Dependence

I am a big fan of Kings of Convenience and the duo’s simple yet perfectly complicated acoustic harmonies. Another unique band in my opinion that have created yet another favorite album (here is the last time they were mentioned here) that is perfect for a chilled out afternoon or for the nights I can’t get to sleep on want someone to softly sing me into my dreams (wow that came out really corny, sorry). Beautiful guitar, beautiful voices and an impeccable album.

Songs you should listen to: 24-25, Boat Behind, Rule My World, Power of Not Knowing, Freedom and Its Owner

So there are my musical mentions of the month. What has kept your ears occupied lately? Let me know if you know any of the above albums and let me know what you think about them! See you soon with more April favorites 🙂


Albums of October

Hi Everyone,

Hasn’t this month flown by? I have 3 more exams and then my final undergraduate year is over. I am feeling equal measures of excitement and terror. Here are the slightly random collection of albums I have been loving this month. It contains some of my favorite albums of the entire year!

1. Metronomy: The English Riviera

So this is my definite favorite of the month. I actually listened to the album once through and wasn’t that interested or impressed and took a couple weeks before I happened upon it again. Surprisingly, I then fell in love with the quirky indie pop beats that this English band has produced in their third album. The songs are full of variety and are totally catchy. Seriously though, this style of music is so hard for me to describe, sometimes I wonder why I bother to try in these posts haha. I absolutely cannot get enough of this album. It makes me want to dance which is strange because the last thing I would do is dance. Upbeat, unique, fun, quirky, 80’s synth, a little bit alternative. I love it. If there is one album from this post you take a look at let it be this! You’ll probably either love or hate it but its something a bit different 🙂
Songs you all must listen to: Everything Goes My Way, The Look and The Bay.

2. Miike Snow: Happy to You

So I have always loved music by Miike Snow and so I am not sure why it took me so long to listen to their new album. After listening to it a few times this definitely grew on me. Miike Snow is indie pop with a lot of great dance beats thrown in and that’s the best I can describe it. The songs are catchy and fun to do dishes to (this is a huge factor for me!). I am not a dance music person normally so although there is a definite beat in the album it doesn’t overshadow the interesting lead vocals and the pure gold that is the soaring tunes. I personally love the strange combination of elements that really come together throughout this album. Also an appearance by Lykke Li goes down very well.
Songs you all must listen to: The Wave, Devil’s Work, Bavarian #1, Garden


3. Mumford and Sons: Babel

I loved loved loved Mumford and Sons’ last album and was highly excited when I heard they had released a new album! I had never expected to love the style of rustic but upbeat banjo playing and yet totally fell in love with Sigh No More. So how did the new album live up to my high expectations? Obviously I enjoyed this album otherwise I wouldn’t be including it in this monthly round up. The title track Babel is definitely catchy and emotive, everything their last album had captured perfectly. I’m not sure if this album is as strong as the last but it definitely satisfies my cravings for the rather addictive banjo playing and absolutely lust worthy voice of the lead singer that captures so much emotion in each note I can hardly handle it. Seriously, if this guy ever spoke to me I would probably die on the spot. Someone give him my phone number? Anyway… great album and worth a listen if you loved the last! No big changes but sort of what we would expect following their debut. And that’s just fine with me 🙂
Songs you all must listen to: Babel, I Will Wait, Hopeless Wanderer, Where Are You Now

4. Kings of Convenience: Quiet is the New Loud

Lastly I have the only album that isn’t a new one for me. This album has been a favorite for countless years and recently I found it in the depths of my computer and have been wallowing in it ever since. Okay I don’t know if wallowing is the right word. The duo from Norway have a soft and gentle acoustic sound that I love very much. The slow but catchy beats are paired with harmonized voices and idyllic acoustics. Definitely an album for a relaxing afternoon in the sun. This is my “calm down” album when stress levels are getting a bit intense. Somehow I haven’t got my hands on their new album so expect that in the future… Okay wait apparently their have been two albums since this. Wow. My bad.
Songs you all must listen to: I Don’t Know What I Can Save You From, Summer on the Westhill, Parallel Lines