Albums of June

Hi all!

So it may be the 8th of July but here are some overdue albums for last month. I had two real gems that I have been enjoying all month and decided I had to briefly share them with you!

1. The Phoenix Foundation: Fandango

Such a unique little kiwi band that I have never taken the time to properly listen to before but I am glad I finally decided to give their indie/alternative album a go. This album is full of quirks and unique songs that sound familiar and yet completely new all at once. I find this type of music really hard to describe so I won’t even try but if you have watched Boy or Eagle vs Shark and enjoyed the rather wonderful music that went with them then you can thank The Phoenix Foundation. Go and give them a listen and if you like what you here they are playing throughout NZ very soon (and for a very affordable price) so come along!

Songs you should listen to: Black Mould, The Captain, Thames Soup, Corale.

2. The National: Trouble Will Find Me

The National are another new band for me and one I am not sure how I have gone so long without coming across their albums. On Wikipedia they are compared to Joy Division, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Leonard Cohen, 3 amazing artists/bands who I thoroughly enjoy listening to so it comes as no surprise that this mellow yet self-assured album is a winner. Although the album sounds melancholic there’s more to the lyrics and mesmerizing baritone vocals than first meets the eye. It took me a few listens to really start getting where this album was coming from. Intense and soulful, beautiful and dark. If you somehow haven’t come across them give it a go!

Songs you should listen to: Don’t Swallow the Cap, Sea of Love, Heavenfaced, Slipped.

So there are two albums I demand you go listen to for at least 5 minutes and report back with any thoughts.

Let me know if you already know about these bands and what albums of theirs I should listen to next.


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