Albums of June

Hi all!

So it may be the 8th of July but here are some overdue albums for last month. I had two real gems that I have been enjoying all month and decided I had to briefly share them with you!

1. The Phoenix Foundation: Fandango

Such a unique little kiwi band that I have never taken the time to properly listen to before but I am glad I finally decided to give their indie/alternative album a go. This album is full of quirks and unique songs that sound familiar and yet completely new all at once. I find this type of music really hard to describe so I won’t even try but if you have watched Boy or Eagle vs Shark and enjoyed the rather wonderful music that went with them then you can thank The Phoenix Foundation. Go and give them a listen and if you like what you here they are playing throughout NZ very soon (and for a very affordable price) so come along!

Songs you should listen to: Black Mould, The Captain, Thames Soup, Corale.

2. The National: Trouble Will Find Me

The National are another new band for me and one I am not sure how I have gone so long without coming across their albums. On Wikipedia they are compared to Joy Division, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Leonard Cohen, 3 amazing artists/bands who I thoroughly enjoy listening to so it comes as no surprise that this mellow yet self-assured album is a winner. Although the album sounds melancholic there’s more to the lyrics and mesmerizing baritone vocals than first meets the eye. It took me a few listens to really start getting where this album was coming from. Intense and soulful, beautiful and dark. If you somehow haven’t come across them give it a go!

Songs you should listen to: Don’t Swallow the Cap, Sea of Love, Heavenfaced, Slipped.

So there are two albums I demand you go listen to for at least 5 minutes and report back with any thoughts.

Let me know if you already know about these bands and what albums of theirs I should listen to next.


My Foxy Reading Corner: #1-9

Hi All!

So I have become more than a little obsessed with Goodreads…yup. Who knew social media for books could be so fun! Suddenly I have a huge list of books to read and am getting through them much faster than I was. I have always loved reading but Uni kind of killed it for me and fiction fell to the pile of things I wished I had the time and energy for. Not anymore!! I have a goal to read 50 books by the end of 2013, I don’t know how hard or easy this will be but thought it would be fun to try. So far I have found some really amazing books and a lot of young adult fiction that was well worth a read. Here are the 9 books I have read so far.


#1: the perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I was drawn into this book and the story and life of the main character who communicates through letters straight off the bat. A faultless book which deserves all its surrounding hype. A short read but one that left me with a head of emotions and thoughts. A slice in the life of a confused and shy young man and a set of characters that were charming and complex.
5 Stars

11870085#2: The fault in our stars by John Green

I hadn’t read anything by John Green and yet kept seeing his name all over the show. Finally I started this book about a Teenage girl with thyroid cancer and a romance that develops with a wonderful and heartwarming young man. Their characters were a joy to read and their resistance at letting their illness define them was inspiring. The romance was believable and so beautiful, I am pretty sure everyone falls in love with Augustus. I cried like a baby and never wanted the story to end (yet I loved the way it did end). Green’s writing was personal and sensitive and a joy to read. I can’t wait to read the other books by him. In my opinion this book deserves all the raves it gets.
5 Stars


#3 and #4: Divergent and insurgent by Veronica Roth

I really enjoyed the first two books in this series of a dystopian universe where there are different factions in society and as usual something isn’t quite right. I actually preferred this to Hunger Games series (which I loved reading) maybe because I thought the story and the environment were a bit more thought provoking and complex and I also preferred the characters just a little. A great pair of books and I’m very excited to read the third. The romance in these….I loved it. I think these young adult dystopian novels can often use quite unbelievable or cliche romances which are fine to read but nothing special but I felt emotionally attached to the love story of these characters (creepy).
5 stars and 4 stars respectively

343#5: Perfume – the story of a murderer by Patrick Suskind

I adored this book (what can I say, I read a lot of good books in the last couple of months!). It was grotesque and disturbing in a way I have never experienced. The focus on smells as the core descriptive imagery was powerful and visceral and the characters were despicable and disgusting and yet still I was completely attached to them. A story unlike anything I have read before and a new favorite.
5 Stars

4268#6: How to be good by Nick Hornby

I picked this up from an Opshop because I really enjoyed About a Boy and thought I would enjoy this too. Sadly I didn’t enjoy this and really struggled to actually finish which doesn’t happen often. I finally dragged myself to the end and felt completely indifferent to the book (which again doesn’t usually happen). I don’t think there was anything really wrong, the story was fine, the characters were okay, the writing was enjoyable but I just didn’t gel with the plot and the main character kind of annoyed me haha.
1 Star

345627#7: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

So I hate admitting I enjoyed the Twilight series…but I did….and so when I saw this series and how popular it was I decided to give it a read. Being another YA book it was short and quick to get through and I’m kind of happy I didn’t spend too long on it. Interesting premise but I really didn’t enjoy the casual writing style or the characters. The story was predictable and not that exciting and I don’t think I will bother reading the rest of the series.
1 Star

4667024#8: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Phew, away with the books I didn’t enjoy and on to one I LOVED! I wasn’t expecting a lot from this but it was at a Bed and Breakfast Edd and I stayed at so I thought I should read it while I was there. I adored this story and I absolutely loved the three main characters who told the story. This glimpse into 1960s Mississippi and the complex relationships between Families and their “help” was portrayed in a sensitive and honest way. This book managed to be both light hearted and yet serious which I love. Definitely a great read. I should add that I watched the movie last night and thought it was very average. I think the complexity of these three ladie’s stories was lost in a sugar-coated quick over view of the core story.
5 Stars

11614718#9: Delirium by Lauren Oliver

And on to my last book that I finished last night! This is yet another Young Adult dystopian book set in the future where America has discovered a cure for Love and all it’s associated craziness. I loved the premise and the dystopian story of this but I felt that not enough time was spent explaining and developing this future and I had a lot of unanswered questions (which I hope might be addressed later in the series). I know a lot of people loved this book but after Divergent and Insurgent which I loved a lot more I couldn’t give this more than 3 stars. The characters lacked some depth and the romance was unbelievable and a bit forced. Despite this I thought parts of the book were very exciting and the writing was really excellent. I look forward to reading the second in this series and seeing where the story goes. Definitely worth a read if you enjoy dystopian stuff!
3 Stars

Looking forward: Goals for 2013

Hi All!

So I find it hard to believe it is already 2013. Where did 2012 go? Every year that flies past and leaves me breathless makes me a little uneasy because, as I am sure a lot of people feel, I want to feel like I am getting the most out of each year I am lucky enough to be alive! And yet I know this year, it felt like I scraped by day by day, a bit of an emotional wreck just trying to finish University and deal with Life’s lovely challenges. So 2013 I want to try harder. Now I have this lovely wee corner of the internet I think trying out some goal-setting may be useful. Having my goals up here to see whenever I want makes me feel a little more accountable and I plan to do either 4 monthly goal review posts to see how things are going. Anyway, after that rambly introduction here are my rather random goals for 2013.

1. Look after my body better. Ok so I resisted my usual “lose 15kg” type of goals (although that would be great) because as much as I would love to be a skinny wee thing, I’m not and I don’t think its a particularly healthy goal, for me anyway. Instead 2013 will be a year to focus on health. This includes more balanced meals (not just skipping meals to make up for naughty takeaways the night before), more vegetables and fruit (which have been seriously lacking in my student budget diet of 2012), more exercise (3 times a week for half an hour, any kind of exercise I feel I can motivate myself for) and other generally healthy activities. All at once this probably won’t happen but over time I hope to make some small and manageable changes that will move me in this general direction.

2. Put myself first. In terms of my relationships I want to learn how to put the needs and wants of others aside every once in a while in order to focus on my own mental health and priorities as well as my relationship with Edd. I love my family and friends but life is complicated and putting my needs second in order to please everyone is the habit of a lifetime that I want to keep working on reducing. This doesn’t mean I don’t care about all these wonderful people but just want to put a bit of care into myself as well.

3. Make blogging more regular and less stressful. I love this little blog but I would like to improve the regularity of my posts. I want to become one of those people who has multiple post planned and drafted so that I am not constantly doing things last minute. Having a journal where I can keep a plan of when I want to post certain things is something I am going to start doing to keep things less stressful and more organised.

4. Become more organised in other areas of my life. This ranges from cleaning schedules, keeping my makeup and nailpolish under control, keeping more written records, sticking to my list making which helps me more productive on a day to day basis and so on.

5. Read more books. I love books and I don’t read enough thanks to 4 years of university which made me feel guilty every time I wasn’t reading lecture notes or text books. After seeing people do the 50 book project in 2012 I think 50 books is a good number but we’ll see how manageable it is once I get into a better routine. I would also like to share more about what I read on the blog, although I’m not sure people would be particularly interested haha.

6. Go on more dates. I love spending my evenings curled up on the couch with Edd and Callie, watching movies and eating pizza and popcorn, but I want to try more things with Edd and go out more often. As lovely as it is to stay home variety is the spice of life so 2013 will bring some new restaurants, new activities together, new holidays overseas and who knows what else!

7. Develop a more positive outlook on life. This something I started working on this year with my Made me smile posts which I found so helpful in encouraging me to look back on the past week in terms of the highlights and the positive moments. I hope that I can continue to improve in this area as my default position in life has always been more on the stressed and pessimistic side.

So there are 7 pretty general areas of my life that I want to work on in 2013. As I mentioned in my What I learned from 2012 post, change in these areas won’t come without some hard work and perseverance from me so I’ll do my best to use this year to its potential and enjoy each moment!

Does anyone else still set goals? I know they go in and out of fashion but I think setting goals is useful as long as there isn’t a lot of guilt and self-punishment involved when things don’t go to plan. For me I just need a little direction in life that keeps me on track and stops me losing sense of myself and what I want from the year to come. Let me know what you think and if you have set any goals or resolutions for 2013!


p.s. Last night I read this great post by a fellow tweeter and blogger which talked about the importance of Values as opposed to goals. Sarah discussed rather brilliantly the danger on having incongruent goals and values in life which makes achieving one’s goals harder than it should be. After reading her post I went and thought about the kind of values I want to focus on for 2013 and things that I wrote down were happiness, health, love and relationships amongst a couple others. I then used these to edit and refine some of my goals, removing a couple that I felt weren’t in line with the values I wanted to focus on. I highly recommend checking out her post (Here!) and her blog in general 🙂