Lessons learnt 2012

1. No such as thing as too much nail polish. Except there is and I should stop buying it.

2. Tea is a magical substance that makes all situations better

3. Sometimes all we need to do is say No

4. You can never rely on New Zealand weather

5. I’m not really ready for the real world yet, but you fake it til you make it

6. Don’t ever assume people know how you feel about them.

7. Learning how to control stress can change your life

8. I feel more comfortable around cats than people

9. My family is the craziest and most dysfunctional I could imagine. I love it.

10. Blogging isn’t as easy as it looks

11. Procrastination is pointless

12. Love is never easy but it’s always worth it

13. Bees aren’t quite as scary as I make them out to be in my head

14. Wedding planning is easier to do on Pinterest than it is in real life

15. You can’t expect change without putting in the hard work yourself

It’s impossible to condense the knowledge I’ve gained over the past year bit those are just a few snippets of my education from 2012


2012: A year to be thankful for


So as 2012 comes to a close here are some of the things I am thankful for (in no particular order 🙂 )

1. A fiancee who loves me and an imminent wedding to make me his wife after 6 years of being best friends

2. A 4 year university conjoint degree, over and finished so that I can graduate next May and move forward in my career path

3. A family (and future in-laws) who supports me through stressful exam times, wedding planning, surgery, moving and so much more

4. A cat who is my baby and who gives me cuddles everyday (and who is still the cutest cat I know, despite her lack of a tail)

5. A surgery that I have needed for a long time that finally occurred and that will make life a little easier and my health a lot better

6. A Grandma who despite her disease remains someone I can spend time with, drinking coffee and appreciating the little things in life

7. A future that is uncertain but exciting and a present that is challenging but rewarding

8. A home that despite its many challenges has been a roof over our head and a place where we could put up Christmas decorations

9. A country where violence is minimal and Guns are heavily controlled so that we can feel safe at home, in town and in schools

10. Friends online and off who are a constant source of laughter, girl talks, beauty advice and support for all aspects of my life. This year I have met an incredible bunch of people who have truly changed my life (even when they live in a different country)

11. A blog that started as a little idea and grew into a lot of little ideas. Still growing and still deciding what it should be but a source of joy and escape from day-to-day life for me and a way to learn how to become better in a variety of ways

12. New neighbors that are nowhere near as loud or unfriendly as the previous ones

13. A flat that is situated two minutes walk from a mall. Both a blessing and a curse but definitely something I am thankful for, along with the starbucks that comes with it

14. An amazing Thai restaurant just down the road that I will miss with a vengeance if I leave

15. A summer Christmas full of beach swims, pohutakawa trees, ham and salads for Christmas lunch, family spending time in the sun and blue skies

16. Some amazing books that have filled my time with adventures and my mind with thoughts and knowledge

17. Children who have made my life tiring but fun-filled and who teach me more than any lecturer or text book could

18. Emotional challenges that although testing have made me a stronger, better person, happier in myself

19. A university education that has enlarged my knowledge as well as my options and opportunities in life. It also showed me the path in life I would like to walk down at some point in the future to create change and inspire lives.

20. A life that is full of love, laughs, challenges, chances, friends, families, strangers, smiles, tears, growth, cats, changes and so much more. A life that is mine to screw up and learn from fixing. A life that is mine to share with people who hold my heart. A life that I will always be thankful for, every second that I receive to live it.

